Thursday, June 30, 2011

Time to do some catching up

Well it has been awhile since I have written here, because life in Korea is mostly the same , same,same everyday.
Most recently. Our school had a sports day for the teachers. They do this once a month. This months sport was Ping Pong.....I could barely contain my excitement. Ummmm, let's see, I think last time I played I was around 12 or 13 at the Boys Club.....Yes that's right, the good old days before it became the Boys AND GIRLS club ! Anyways,we have around 25 teachers and 3 tables, yup it just gets more exciting by the moment. I played 1 game and beat the guy and they didn't ask me to play again. Sore losers, especially losing to a foreigners. Afterwards we go to dinner, Korean BBQ...Good stuff., Now this is on a Wednesday night, the school Principal brings in around 5-6 bottles of 17 year old scotch whiskey. Well we pounded that, not to mention soju and beer. Then we leave. I've had too much already, so I suggest we go to a Noraebang ( Karaoke room ) and it will be my treat. Big mistake. Around 8 of us go...I think, and I have no concept of time. The good thing is that the Karaoke is across the street from my house. Bad news, I get the bill and ign it and we head to another bar for more drinks. Really bad news....The bill was $800. Yowza !! Imported whiskey is expensive, and they drank 4 bottles and again countless beers and soju. So we go to the next bar and drink for a while and have a good time...Of course this time they're paying and it's $2 beer...bastards ! Well they leave and I hang around for a little longer, well actually until I was the last one there and they asked me if they could close. I said sure and walked across the street to my house...When I get there, I look around for the clock..5:30am ! Well shit on a stick, I am hammered and have to leave for work in 2 hours. So I decide it's best if I just stay awake. I shower and head into school. I tried pounding the coffee...but still drunk and tired. So I took my little pillow and laid my head down on my desk. I slept for 3 hours. I only woke up because the Vice Principal was standing beside me laughing at me. He asked if I was still drunk, and I just said hell yes....He said go back to sleep. Rough job !
My best Korean friend here owns a bar.....bad news. But for the most part, my drinking is curtailed til Friday and Saturday. Which before my son got here, I didn't even do that. Thanks asswipe !  lol The bar owner ( Jong) has a brother who does tattooing...more bad news ! Luckily again, I am limited to skin space ! Unfortunately, I have a month of vacation coming up with nothing to do...Hello Hard Rock Bar !
So, My contract finishes on Sept. 3rd, but it looks like they are going to let me take my 2 weeks vacation at the end of my contract so I can get out of here early. Ahhh, I've been dreaming of wonderful Bangkok.  The sights of the hot women, the sights of the drunk dudes with lady boys that think are chicks, the aroma's of deep fried bugs and BBQ rats...yes it taste just like chicken ! But if you have a ermm, quesy stomach, there are plenty of foreign restaurants to choose from.  I drink and eat like a total pig there. And lest I not forget the awesome and cheap massages ! I'm talking $30 and you're getting ripped off for a 2 hour better be paying more like $10 or $15 for an oil or aroma therapy massage.  Actually I think they only give me a massage for about 10 minutes, and I am pretty much dead asleep....then they come back with about 10 minutes left and wake me up...."you finishy now, showwa ?"   Ummm yeah.
And just to walk around and meet friendly people is so nice. you can sit down and start up a conversation with nearly anyone, unlike here in Korea where they look at you like you're a rabid monkey ! I've had Korean actually cross the street rather than walk past me. Women will switch their purses to the opposite side of me.  I digress, I should be talking about the pleasures of Thailand instead ! Although I am tempted to take another trip to the Philippines. Wow, easily the best English speaking country in Asia, with maybe the exception of Singapore, but is Singapore a city or country ? Is it like New York, New York ? So screw Singapore until they decide what they are....Sorry Singaporean buds !
Well I got them to let me have Monday the 4th off, so I think Kyle and I are going to seriously punish our bodies ! More specifically our livers and kidneys. but screw it, ya got one life, live it hard and fast and enjoy it for Christ's sake !  

  So I think that's about it for now. After my initial rage against the Korean system of everything, I have calmed down and wrote something decent about them.I am sure I will be writing at least 1 more time before heading to Thailand. I PROMISE I will take plenty of pics, even if I have to pay for them !

Monday, May 23, 2011

Party, fight, and weird Korean chicks

OK, So overall this was a fun weekend.  My son Kyle came up again. He brought along Pop Tarts, Beef Jerky, and Cap'n Crunch ! what a good son ! We went out Friday night, but nothing special. Then Saturday evening we went and got dinner a  new restaraunt in the hood. Meat was good , service was terrible. Plus all the kids in the place would run over to us and just stare at us. When you looked at them or said " Hi" they would take off running. So we made our way from there to the subway and went to a burb called Bupyeong. Went to go do a little bar hopping and "sight seeing." First place we wound up was a small little place called Woodstock. We each got a beer and they started playing Justin Beiber tunes. So we went out front and polished off the beers as we knew we were not going to get any "real" music there. Walked around for a little bit more....which is all good, cuz now the weather is warming up and the daisy dukes and mini, mini skirts are coming out. Oh, and one of the latest fashions is to wear short shorts or mini-skirts and then a shirt with tails or a top that hits the hips, so it covers the skirt and gives the appearance that they are only wearing a top and that's it. I can't say I don't like it !
So we walk by a bar called Who's Bar. The guys out front say they're having a party and foreigners are free. Kinda freaks me out at first cuz usually it's ladies free and we know why they do that ! Why are they letting us in free ???? Hmmm. We walk down the block a bit and not too much is happening,, so we decide to go back and give it a try.
The place is pretty nice. They are playing DJ music and there are  just the two of us and about 6 Korean girls. This was around 11pm, by 12 am there are about 20 girls and 5 guys. I told Kyle the numbers were good for him. It's rare to find a place like that that's not a total sausage fest !  Then Kyle says " hey isn't that your neighbor ?"  And I look over and sure as shit, there he is. Small world again.  Well, cutting through all the small crap of the evening.....we drank and danced and I noticed a K- girl moving in on Kyle more and more. I told him to go for it, she's a little hotty ! Her name is Amy and she is a Korean School teacher and speaks great Engrish. So after this things get more interesting ( well more fun for me.) Things are progressing Kyle is gettin' his groove on with her and I notice these three Korean guys coming up on them and trying their infamous cock blocking techniques. I move out on the floor and tell Kyle what they are doing and this one guy tries to physically pull her away from him. Wrong move bud ! Kyle keeps dancing with her, I slide between her and the Korean and give him a solid chest bump. He makes to go around me and this time my hand goes into his chest and I say "Back the fuck up man !" His 2 friends are like " oh shit !"  The guy comes back at me again saying what'd you say? what'd you say ??" Which was probably an honest question cuz he only understood "fuck" Now we are almost nose to nose and I'm saying "you heard me assclown" And now his buddies are obviously more sober than he is and they grab him and pull him back. Then they start apologizing to me. I just said it was no problem, but if I see him coming up on my son again, he's going down. He kept staring down Kyle the rest of the night, but never made a move back toward him again. Eventually I went over to him again, took his hand and shook it, and said just let it go. He says " But I like that girl" I asked if he knew her and he didn't, so I said you will just have to find something new.

OK, so that was taken care of, I go to the coed-can to take care of business. There is a girl in there and she is one of Amy's friends. I say " oh you ! My son likes you friend ! " She starts to tear me a new one in Korean. Seems she is angry cuz Kyle doesn't speak Korean and according to her, If you are living in Korea you must speak Korean. So even though I do speak a little Korean, I take this opportunity to speak absolutely NO Korean . There is one man's and one woman's stall behind us, I am standing in front of the urinal and her in front of the sink.So full house. Im listening to her go off ( and so is everyone  else coming in and out ) And I've had enough and put my hand in front of her face to shut her up for one second. Then I popped the question and most Koreans understand this. " So are you a lesbian with her or what ?" Well that sets her going off again.  This time I just hold up my pointer finger to her as to say one second, and I unzip my pants and whip it out and start using the pisser. She looks down at it and I say " Oh You aren't a lesbian ! " Then she starts again. I finish up, tell her whatever and walk out. It was fun. I told Kyle to watch her friends too  lol.
Then later this guy comes up to me and say " Oh ! you the guy who took his dick out in front of that bitchy girl ! " 

To finish, we end up leaving around 6am, we go to the subway station mac out and McD's and as we leave, these 2 Korean girls say Hi, and I say to Kyle, go talk with them . So we stroll over, talk for about an hour or so and they want to go get some pictures with us ?????? Ummmm OK whatever. We somehow wound up in a Karoke bar drinking more beer  and singing with them. Then I say Let's go ! They say picture, picture ! so we follow them to this place and it is closed, then we follow them to another place and go in and it's a restaurant and they start chowing down. This time I paid the bill ( they paid the beer and Karaoke) and we bailed on them ! Besides them being a little wasted the girl that would keep coming over to me would keep farting ! loud too ! Kyle was like " was that you Dad ? "  

Well I think we got back to the apartment about 10:30 or so. Interesting and fun weekend.

Oh and I'm not proof reading this so there might be a few mistakes. But if you don't like that, I'll just whip it out and piss in front of you too.
Peace out ! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Morgans rock Korea !

YES ! Kim Jeong Il is a rocker !

Well, another weekend spent with my son and this time one of his friends. We have found a cool bar that we go to..Hard Rock Cafe...yes, definite copyright infringements there. The owner is younger and speaks good English. He has a big monitor that he plays concert videos for us on. We request it and he puts it on. Between Kyle and I we have a pretty big knowledge base of music, or so we thought. This guys knows every band we ask for, from classic rock, to disco to death metal....It's unreal ! I have also come to believe that he is, or his father is Korean Mafia ! First off is the tattoos. Full sleeves and up on his neck. This is very odd for a Korean, they highly associate it with the mafia. Second thing, He owns this bar, ihs brother owns a tattoo parlor and a Noraebang (Karaoke bar.)  Third, he has traveled and lived abroad for awhile, hence the good English. Now to most westerners, this appears like no big deal, however in Korea, it is a big deal.  So this Saturday, he is going to close his bar and take us to his brothers tattoo shop, and then following that we are going to the "family" Noraebang. Then we will come back to his bar and he will re-open it.

This brings me to the Noraebang. Literal translation is singing room. They are copied after the Japanese ones. Kyle wasn't too keen on going to one the first time, but he's now hooked lol ! We usually spend 2 hours there.

You would truly be surprised at the fun you have there. 
Kyle is also workin' his moves. which isn't much, but he's diggin it...and no, not at the noraebang, but with Korean girls. from age 13 - 40 he looks at them, gets eye contact, then throws down a little smile or wave at them, which in turn throws the girl into hysterical giggling idiots. Now if he can get past that part and talk with one, it's possible that I could wind up a Grandfather.........Just kidding Mom !! He only has around 4-5  months left would take that long to get a Korean to let you hold her hand !

Last week they both stayed in the apartment with us. With the pregnancy, Laila's sense of smell is 100 times greater than a bloodhound ! Bad news for the boys ! 3 of us in the apartment is just a bit too much testosterone ! Not to mention that Kyle just loves to cut loose while he sleeps ! Soon enough, it will just be me suffering through it ! She is headed back to Thailand on the 16th of this month. Gotta get a Thai Dr. to deal with.

Oh Yeah, I also took Kyle to Chinatown for a massage. A LEGITIMATE Chinese massage ! The painful foot part actually tickled him and he couldn't stop jumping around  lol. The women couldn't figure it out either. Sorry, no happy ending either  !
Well, I will post how this weekend goes. Maybe I will be able to pick up some side work whacking Koreans who are late on their gambling debts ! It could happen, ya never know !
I'm out.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kyle and I tearing up Korea

Well, I am happy to announce that my son has temporarily been assigned to South Korea. He will be leaving here around September, the same time I do. Until then, beware all Koreans ! He is stationed about an hour south of me. After not seeing him for several years it is nice to do some catching up, although our first night of catching up involved a bit of over-indulgence ! I remember most of the night, up until around 3am when we left the bar, but after that I had to be filled in by him as to what happened. I know, I know he is only 20, but in Korea he is legally 21, he will actually be 21 on May 10th, and if he is old enough to serve his country and risk his life for his country, then he is old enough to have a drink ( or 20) with the old man !

The first time we met, I went down to the city to where he lived to show him where the buses were and how to get back to my place. I got a motel room for the night and then met him once he got off work. We went to Chili's on base for dinner.......Holy shit ! I had the most delicious American Ribeye steak there ! South Korea has banned the import of American beef as they are afraid they will catch mad cow disease. I say like Bill Shatner " I've already got the mad cow." So I just don't care ! Man I pounded that steak down !

After dropping our packs at the motel, we headed into the streets to find a place to sit down, have a couple of drinks and do some catching up. So many of the bars are thumping out this loud music....not my scene at all, especially for talking. So we find this quieter little sports bar with very few people and decide that is where we will start at........not knowing we will finish there also.

So we've both been working all day and a little burned out.....definately calls for Jager bombs to light the fire. They have a menu board with a ton of different shots on it. I think we ended up having about 1 of everything. Now neither one of us set out that night to get ripped. Just kinda one thing leading to another. Then this guy comes over and buys us a round of jager bombs and starts chatting, turns out he is from Portland Oregon as well. Small friggen world ! Well, over the course of the night, I lost track of how much we drank.....except for Kyle saying, "hurry up ! I'm 2 ahead of you ! "  The trips to the toilet became more and more dangerous as the night went on also. You had to use this side door, go through a hotel lobby, down an uneven and curving staircase and into a tiny litle broom closet which was converted into a toilet.

I remember the two of us chatting up the Korean girls working there and using their computer to put on the music we wanted. Then I paid the bill ( about $200 ) and Kyle informed me later that I tried to pay it twice ! I can be happy in the fact that Koreans are honest at least. You know, life ain't easy with the mad cow !

After we shut down the bar, Kyle still wanted to go somewhere else. we tried going into another bar and they told us no. I don't know if it was because they were closing or because Kyle was crawling up the stairs ! So we walked back out into the street. Kyle meets a few of his work buddies, I walk into Popeye's Chicken to use the toilet ( or so Kyle tells me, cuz I don't remember ever going into Popeye's....Mad Cow ! ) He procedes to order some chicken from a street vender, eats a few bites, gives it too his buddy and proceeds to puke in the middle of the street. It was at this point which the Military Police take notice of him. I walk out of Popeye's and see them all talking. They got his ID and saw he was 20 and slightly enibriated. I say it's ok, he is staying with me and we are at this hotel right here....which the hotel happened to be right next to us. The MP wanted to see my ID, so I showed him my Korean green card instead of my passport. He had no idea what it was ( it's all written in Korean with my photo) Then he asked for my Military ID. Because of the mad cow, I can't be sure of the exact wording, but it was something along the line of "pfffft ! You think the military wants me ? You think I could even pass the physical test ?" Then I gave a brief explanation that he was my son and it has been years since we saw each other and blah, blah, blah." I knew that there was absolutely nothing they could do to me as military law doesn't apply to me, but I also knew that if I was a real dickhead, they could make Kyles life hell. They had already made threats to take him to jail for underage drinking. Eventually they escorted us to the hotel, and mind you, not to the front door, but all the way INTO the room  lol. Kyle was given orders that he was not to leave the room for the next 8 hours.

So I crash out in one of the beds and turn on the TV. Kyle is sitting over at the desk using the computer. I watch some of the boob tube and drift off, only until my stomach wakes me up and says "DUDE< YOU GOTTA PUKE ! " So I sit up, Kyle is still on the comp and I go blow chunks in the toilet. Nice move, puking in front of your son ! Yup I can handle my booze LOL. Well I flop back onto the bed. I wake up in the morning.....well around 11 or 12 and need the bathroom. Kyle is crashed out in the other bed, but I find that he has carefully laid out a minefield of vomit between the beds and the bathroom. Now I don't feel so bad ! Well at least not until my bare foot gets  vomit mine hidden in the entry way ! Little bastard !  And there's puke in the bathroom ! not even close to the toilet ! At least in the front room, he tried to use a wastebasket to puke into ( even though 100% of it was next to it and 0% inside it ! )

Well I wake him up and we are both feeling like cattle headed to the slaughter house ( mad cow thing). He eats some Chinese food, I have no appetite. Go to the bus station and ride the bus to my place. We then proceed to do nothing but eat and sleep and watch movies for the rest of the weekend. He also got to spend a little quality time with his step-mom whom he had only met for a few hours before.

The massive drinking is out of the way now. Two weeks later he came back and we went to Seoul. Right now this blog is getting too long, so I will save that trip for the next time.

My wife is 14 weeks pregnant as of this writing. Next month she is going back to Thailand so that she can have a Thai Dr. take care of her. The language barrier is just too much here. She is due in Oct. and I will be moving back there permanently in Sept.
That's all for now.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Well allow me, if you may, to take you to a strange and wonderful place known as The Land of Smiles. I've written before about the charms and misadventures of country living. Know I will indulge you with the ......well, sleazier (fun) part.
This time I stayed right in the heart of the red light district. If you are a person who enjoys people watching, It simply can't be beat to find a place down on Sukhumvit Soi 4 to park your ass and watch everything that saunters, jiggles, gimps or strolls by.

For those of you who have never been to a place like this, it is quite a fascinating treat to behold.I know, I know, there are quite a few of you who's initial thought is that of disgust and pity. But desensitization is fairly simple after several years. Now to be clear, I am not promoting the "working girls." However it is a third world country where a college graduate at an entry level position will make around $300-$350 per month. A descent prostitute here can make $2000-4000 USD a month...You don't have to be in Casey's math classes to figure out the bottom line here. If I could make that kind of money in Thailand, I would be all over it, alas, there hasn't been much demand for overweight, bald, old guys yet, But I'm always keeping my ear to the street !!

So anywho, the wife and I will go and pick out a place in the middle of all the action. Usually an outdoor bar and grill that is covered to protect you from the sudden downpours. grab some drinks and grub, and then start one of our favorite games....Is it a man or woman ? Usually it will be clear who is right or wrong, but we always keep the waitress close by to settle any real disputes. The waitresses see these same people everyday, so they know. The next thing we try to figure out is if the guy who is with them knows "what " he is with.

The ladyboys can be a pushy lot. Very aggressive. Yes I speak from personal experience on the matter. They also don't care if you are with your wife or family, I've seen and been approached by Ladyboys while with my wife. One time this ladyboy steps in front of me, blocking my way. "Hey, where are you going?" Me .."well no where at the moment" her "You want some company ?" Me .."well I don't think my wife would like that"  MY WIFE>>>" No, it's ok, go ahead, I will wait" Of course she is joking, if it were a woman, she would almost certain say some sharp words to her...Since it's a ladyboy, she wants to see me struggle...bitch ! So the ladyboy" See your wife say ok, lets go !" Me.."Whoa whoa whoa !! sorry, but I like women." Her " But I am woman ! " at which point she grabs my hand and puts it on her ample silicon boobs ! Me "Sorry, they feel nice, but you're still a man, no can do !!" Then she made the fatal mistake and said, " I can be more woman than her" and pointed to my wife...Fun time had just come to a screeching halt !! The little lady grabbed me by the hand, said a few things in Thai to the ladyboy..who quickly backed up, then the wife said lets go. End of story  lol

So this last time when we are sitting at one of the bars, we are watching people and chatting up with other expats there. This guys is wheeled in by a pooying (young girl) in a wheelchair. He is obviously afflicted with something unpleasant and is paralyzed from the waist down....unfortunately his mouth wasn't paralyzed. Everything started off pleasant enough, but he was British with an attitude. When he found out I was American, he started spouting off. Blah blah blah...America is crap. He just came from Vegas apparently and dropped an assload of money. The last time I was in Vegas I came home about 10k richer. I couldn't wait to rub that in. So I didn't even address him, I told the other guys that were there about my luck. Well the gimp starts going off saying that I am full of shit. No one ever wins that much in Vegas...Game on ! I had already drank a few Jaeger-bombs and brewskies....So I wasn't going to hold back and be politically correct in my tirade on this guy. I remember starting off with something to the effect of " Listen up you gimp piece of shit." and mentioned a few things about how he carried himself around like the world owed him because he was in wheels. Every time he tried to stammer out a few words I cut him off with fun things like tea stained, crooked teeth , scone eating bastard and continued on. When I finished, the 5 or 6 other expats there started clapping lol ! My wife had no clue what I said because of too much slang and speaking too fast and when they clapped, she figured I said some pretty good stuff, even if it sounded angry in tone ! Now the guy is riled, but not much he can do except try to out insult me...Not a chance, I was rolling and told him he needs to cut his losses and head out . He actually did just that ! I also felt some vindication as two of the guys sitting there were also from England. They were laughing their asses off. Or I should say "arses?"

So wow, I just reread that stuff and I actually went way off point from what I wanted to write about ! Oh well, I guess that gives me more material to pull from next week !
"Be excellent to each other and party on dude !"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back in the saddle again !

Well I took some much deserved time off and got out of this frozen wasteland ! I headed down to wonderful Thailand for 2 weeks. I need to catch up on my blogging, so I think I will share some about my trip.

Well I flew from Korea to Beijing on Air China. This was my first time flying with them and it was actually very pleasant. They had some smokin' hot stewardesses...or flight attendants...or whatever. The meal choice was duck or seafood and I don't eat seafood. On the other hand I had never eaten duck either. I may be well traveled and worldly, but my taste buds remain purely meat and potatoes. Well I tried the duck and it was actually delicious ! I was surprised for airplane food !  Now I know I will have to try it again in a real restaurant ! I also don't drink when flying either..dehydration and all.. But I went for the Yan Jing Beer. Had to try out the local beer. It was pretty good too. Would have been better if it were cold though. It is made with  Mineral water, malt,rice and hops.

From there it went downhill. I was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with a light windbreaker. Well after the plane landed, we deboard out on the tarmac and have to walk over to a bus....The temperature is 3*F ! With the windchill I have no idea what it was ! Finally it fills up and the bus closes its' doors. We head over to the terminal, get off the bus and make another mad dash for the terminal. Finally make it inside and even though I am transferring, we all have to go through security and immigration checks again ! Damn Chinese took my lighters, but not the two books of matches sitting beside them ! So I make my way to the smoking room (After the Chinese decided I wasn't a super spy ) and it wasn't much bigger than a broom closet. It was shoulder to shoulder with people. I smoked 1/2 a cigarette and it felt like I had 5 of I was out !
SOOO..after the layover, I go to the gate, and it's another bus ride to the plane DAMN ! Run, run, run !

Now this flight was not as nearly as nice as the first was. I was surprised that the flight was nearly 80%  crackers and not Asian. Well I guess that would be wrong because Russia is part of Asia after all. These people were Ukrainians, Croats, Lithuanians and who knows what else, But they were all white. I have to say, that's a little off putting ! The seat directly in front of me had this Russian chick with a baby that was about 3 months old and her parents next to her I assume. The woman's father was about 60 and kind of Santa Claus looking and for some bizarre reason, for the next four hours, he kept turning in his seat and staring directly at me......As soon as he would get my attention, he would flash a big cheesy smile and give me 2 thumbs up !?!?!? Uh-Yeah bud what the hell is that about. Why don't you better spend your time getting that stupid baby to stop wailing ! Which it literally did for the whole flight ! I kept looking out the window just praying to see Bill Shatner's gremlin tearing up the wing and engines.

It is all these flights that I take that remind me how lucky I am that someone invented the MP3 player ! I have about 1500 songs on mine, it keeps me content. Anywho, Arrive at Bangkok airport, zip thru customs and immigration, just carry-on baggage, and take the sky-train to the Red Light District Where I check into my hotel and fall asleep.

I will post the rest of time in Bangkok on my next blog
Sawadee Krup !