Most recently. Our school had a sports day for the teachers. They do this once a month. This months sport was Ping Pong.....I could barely contain my excitement. Ummmm, let's see, I think last time I played I was around 12 or 13 at the Boys Club.....Yes that's right, the good old days before it became the Boys AND GIRLS club ! Anyways,we have around 25 teachers and 3 tables, yup it just gets more exciting by the moment. I played 1 game and beat the guy and they didn't ask me to play again. Sore losers, especially losing to a foreigners. Afterwards we go to dinner, Korean BBQ...Good stuff., Now this is on a Wednesday night, the school Principal brings in around 5-6 bottles of 17 year old scotch whiskey. Well we pounded that, not to mention soju and beer. Then we leave. I've had too much already, so I suggest we go to a Noraebang ( Karaoke room ) and it will be my treat. Big mistake. Around 8 of us go...I think, and I have no concept of time. The good thing is that the Karaoke is across the street from my house. Bad news, I get the bill and ign it and we head to another bar for more drinks. Really bad news....The bill was $800. Yowza !! Imported whiskey is expensive, and they drank 4 bottles and again countless beers and soju. So we go to the next bar and drink for a while and have a good time...Of course this time they're paying and it's $2 beer...bastards ! Well they leave and I hang around for a little longer, well actually until I was the last one there and they asked me if they could close. I said sure and walked across the street to my house...When I get there, I look around for the clock..5:30am ! Well shit on a stick, I am hammered and have to leave for work in 2 hours. So I decide it's best if I just stay awake. I shower and head into school. I tried pounding the coffee...but still drunk and tired. So I took my little pillow and laid my head down on my desk. I slept for 3 hours. I only woke up because the Vice Principal was standing beside me laughing at me. He asked if I was still drunk, and I just said hell yes....He said go back to sleep. Rough job !
So, My contract finishes on Sept. 3rd, but it looks like they are going to let me take my 2 weeks vacation at the end of my contract so I can get out of here early. Ahhh, I've been dreaming of wonderful Bangkok. The sights of the hot women, the sights of the drunk dudes with lady boys that think are chicks, the aroma's of deep fried bugs and BBQ rats...yes it taste just like chicken ! But if you have a ermm, quesy stomach, there are plenty of foreign restaurants to choose from. I drink and eat like a total pig there. And lest I not forget the awesome and cheap massages ! I'm talking $30 and you're getting ripped off for a 2 hour better be paying more like $10 or $15 for an oil or aroma therapy massage. Actually I think they only give me a massage for about 10 minutes, and I am pretty much dead asleep....then they come back with about 10 minutes left and wake me up...."you finishy now, showwa ?" Ummm yeah.
And just to walk around and meet friendly people is so nice. you can sit down and start up a conversation with nearly anyone, unlike here in Korea where they look at you like you're a rabid monkey ! I've had Korean actually cross the street rather than walk past me. Women will switch their purses to the opposite side of me. I digress, I should be talking about the pleasures of Thailand instead ! Although I am tempted to take another trip to the Philippines. Wow, easily the best English speaking country in Asia, with maybe the exception of Singapore, but is Singapore a city or country ? Is it like New York, New York ? So screw Singapore until they decide what they are....Sorry Singaporean buds !Well I got them to let me have Monday the 4th off, so I think Kyle and I are going to seriously punish our bodies ! More specifically our livers and kidneys. but screw it, ya got one life, live it hard and fast and enjoy it for Christ's sake !
So I think that's about it for now. After my initial rage against the Korean system of everything, I have calmed down and wrote something decent about them.I am sure I will be writing at least 1 more time before heading to Thailand. I PROMISE I will take plenty of pics, even if I have to pay for them !